On Monday, please keep Animals First on the Second in mind. This is not an event to attend; rather a monthly day of reflection and remembrance. Each day, millions of farm animals are starved on their way to slaughter. On the second day of every month, fasting is encouraged in protest of the treatment of these sentient beings. Join us as we amplify the voices of the billions of farmed animals suffering around the world. You can find more information about this campaign here.
The Animal Defense League of Lehigh Valley will have a private screening of the film "The Animal People". Produced by lifelong activist Joaquin Phoenix, The Animal People tells the story of six advocates determined to expose the world’s largest animal-testing lab—and an industry just as determined to stop them. There will be a spread of vegan food, drinks (beer, wine, non-alcohol) and desserts provided with admission. Are you a vegan business owner, artist, chef or have a transition to vegan story to share? Join us and share a little about yourself prior to the film starting. Bring business cards along to share--this is not only an educational event, but a networking opportunity. This is a private event and tickets are available here.
Join New Jersey Veg Fest to help plan their float, music or help them get their dance routine together for the Asbury Park St. Patrick's Day Parade review stand! There will be a meet up for brunch before the parade and probably beers and pizza after!
Finally, the Jersey Shore chapter of Food Not Bombs will be feeding those in need at the Asbury Park Train Station between 3:00 and 4:00. If you want to donate something, contact them via their Facebook page or by emailing them at jerseyshorefoodnotbombs@yahoo.com. The Jersey City chapter meets at the Journal Square plaza at noon every Sunday. For donations, contact them via their Facebook page or at foodnotbombsjc@gmail.com.
If you are hosting an event or know of an event happening that you do not see on our events page, please send an email to Cherise at cherise@veganinnj.com and it will get added to the calendar ASAP and included in our weekly breakdown.

Vegan in NJ events scheduled (*must be a member of the Facebook group to view private events):
4/19 Gourmet Vegan Lunch at Lady and the Shallot (with NJveg)
4/25-26 Earth Day Potluck + Clean Up (with NJ Climate Save)

We are moving all of our meetups over to Meetup.com because it's so much easier for us to manage. We know we've been slacking in the recent past on hosting meetups, but it's about to get real. Meetup charges a fee to create a group, therefore we are charging a membership fee (only $10/year) to join our group. There is a 30 day free trial, but then you will be charged $10 after that for a year. We will be using any additional money to create more meetups, compensate the hosts for their time (since we plan to do so many more) and purchase items for special meetups, potlucks, whatever. It's gonna get bigger and better! We will still be posting the events here (so you know what we're up to), but they will all require an RSVP in our Meetup Group to attend.
We have added a 'support us' page, so if you're able to help us out, please check there. We appreciate anything you can do!