On Monday, please keep Animals First on the Second in mind. This is not an event to attend; rather a monthly day of reflection and remembrance. Each day, millions of farm animals are starved on their way to slaughter. On the second day of every month, fasting is encouraged in protest of the treatment of these sentient beings. Join us as we amplify the voices of the billions of farmed animals suffering around the world. You can find more information about this campaign here.

Join the Rutgers Veg Society in welcoming Allison Milch, RD, CDN for a discussion on plant-based eating on Wednesday. Allison completed her dietitian training at Cornell University and has a passion for the social implications of food. She comes from a uniquely skilled background, with a current focus on helping individuals with eating disorders. She also maintains a strong vegan presence on Instagram as @type1table, where she dismantles myths surrounding diabetes and diet culture.
This Friday, there will be a vigil to remember the raccoon that was killed in Lacey by two residents one year ago. It will be hosted by the Lacey Raccoon Task Force. More information can be found here.
Anonymous for the Voiceless's Cube of Truth is a peaceful static demonstration akin to an art performance. Two demonstrations will take place over the weekend: Friday night in New York City and Saturday in Montclair. These demonstrations operate in a structured manner that triggers curiosity and interest from the public; they attempt to lead bystanders to a vegan conclusion through a combination of local standard-practice animal exploitation footage and conversations with a value-based sales approach. Masks, signs, and outreach literature are provided. Black upper clothing appropriate for the weather is essential, and please bring a fully charged laptop or tablet if you have one. Interested in volunteering? Join this Facebook Group for NYC and this group for Montclair.

Join Juice For Us for an exclusive workshop on Saturday at the Tiny Greenhouse in Brick. Explore the benefits of juicing from the experts. In this workshop you will learn how to get started with juicing, the best equipment to purchase for at-home juicing, delicious new flavor combinations, and efficient ways to bring about a healthy lifestyle in the new year; all while enjoying light bites + complimentary juice samples.You'll take home a 4pack of Ello eco-friendly stainless steel straws (retailed $9.99). Tickets are available here.
There will be a protest against Canada Goose this coming Sunday at Short Hills Mall. More information can be found on the event page.
Celebrate the holidays at V Marks the Shop's fourth annual Merry Mini Flea Market at Tattooed Mom! Vendors include: Amazing Essence, BAKED Plant-Based, Bunny Treats, Camino Kombucha, How Delish HD, Toasted and more! Admission is free. Philly Vegan Pop Flea is brought to you by V Marks the Shop, Philadelphia's all-vegan convenience store, located at 1515 McKean Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145.
Finally, the Jersey Shore chapter of Food Not Bombs will be feeding those in need at the Asbury Park Train Station between 3:00 and 4:00. If you want to donate something, contact them via their Facebook page or by emailing them at jerseyshorefoodnotbombs@yahoo.com. The Jersey City chapter meets at the Journal Square plaza at noon every Sunday. For donations, contact them via their Facebook page or at foodnotbombsjc@gmail.com.

Vegan in NJ events scheduled (*must be a member of the Facebook group to view private events):
1/19 An Ethical Artisan Market
If you are hosting an event or know of an event happening that you do not see on our events page, please send an email to Cherise at cherise@veganinnj.com and I'll add it to the page ASAP and include it in our weekly breakdown.

We have a Patreon page and would love it if you could donate any amount you could. You will get access to our feed, where we will be working through ideas and events we plan to host in the future, early blog posts, discount codes for events, and random merch an whatever we've got that we can send you! This will be a great place for you to have your voice heard about how we can make NJ the most vegan friendly place it can be. Proceeds from our Patreon will be going to maintain the website, brand, and afford us to be able to hire on more awesome vegans to help us on our journey to make NJ a vegan wonderland! We also take some of the donations and donate it back to various vegan non-profits and NJ sanctuaries.
We have also added a 'support us' page, so if you want other ways (besides Patreon) to help us out, please check there. We appreciate anything you can do!