****Our next volunteer day at Skylands will take place this Saturday. While this volunteer list is full, keep an eye out for future dates, including one on 11/30! Must be a member of our Facebook group to view.****
Vegan Tours NY will be hosting a Thanksliving Dinner Tuesday in Brooklyn. Join us for a family style dinner featuring veganized versions of Thanksgiving favorites such as green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, and pie. Tickets are available here.
Join Brooklyn-Queens Animal Save and Long Island Animal Save as they join forces the Saturday before Thanksgiving, for a vigil/peaceful protest at Miloski’s Poultry Farm in Calverton, NY. The goals is to gather to offer a compassionate presence for the victims killed on site at the farm, for the customers and for the community. Thanksgiving is a time of year where upwards of 45 million turkeys are needlessly killed in the name of tradition. They will conduct outreach and help to educate everyone about the plight of these social and loving beings who are commodified. They would like to take the opportunity to help enlighten others how Thanksgiving should and can be celebrated with compassion and peace.
Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary has two wonderful reasons to celebrate this year! In addition to their exciting annual Thanksgiving Celebration for their Turkeys, they are debuting their new location! They would love it if you could join them in celebrating and honoring their special turkeys with their very own scrumptious feast. You will also be able to enjoy a tour of the new sanctuary and complimentary delicious vegan food. The event is free! Donations are always appreciated and will help SHFS continue to provide a better future for abused and neglected farmed animals. If you happen to have any leftover un-carved pumpkins our residents would love to take them off your hands, pumpkins are one of their favorite treats!
Join NJveg for Saturday lunch at Kaya's Kitchen, and an optional stroll on the boardwalk! An RSVP is required by 11/21 to NJveg.org/rsvp, NJveg.org@gmail.com, or 609-557-7077 (text/voice).
Catskill Animal Sanctuary will be hosting a class in preparing a vegan Thanksgiving feast that will fill your bellies and warm your hearts. In this special 3-hour class, taught by Chef Sara, you’ll learn how to prepare some of Sara’s favorite classic holiday dishes, all of them delicious, compassionate, and a joy to make. At the end of class, we’ll enjoy a beautiful meal together - complete with local vegan wine - in the Homestead dining room. As a bonus, arrive at 12:00 for a private visit with some of the Sanctuary’s friendly, curious turkeys. Join us for a wonderful class you’ll never forget! Tickets are available here.
Party Animals Catering will be hosting a Thanksliving Dinner on Saturday night. More information can be found here.

Join New Jersey Hip Hop is Green for their Annual Thanksgiving Dinner in Newark NJ. Come out for some delicious vegan food, desserts and even coquito! We also have an amazing panel who will inspire you. Get your tickets here.
There will be a Harness Racing protest at the Meadowlands on Saturday evening. Details of an exact location on where to park for protest will be announced at a later date! Signage and leaflets will be provided but of course homemade signs are awesome as well! You may bring your own megaphones; chants will be provided.
Join Bear Mountain Inn for their first ever all VEGAN Thanksgiving meal prepared by Banquet Chef Armando Aviles! Reserve now by calling 8455-786-2731 ext 1002 or email sales@visitbearmountain.com. Tickets are $65 per person (cash bar).
Anonymous for the Voiceless's Cube of Truth is a peaceful static demonstration akin to an art performance. Two demonstrations will take place on Sunday in Camden County and Queens. These demonstrations operate in a structured manner that triggers curiosity and interest from the public; they attempt to lead bystanders to a vegan conclusion through a combination of local standard-practice animal exploitation footage and conversations with a value-based sales approach. Masks, signs, and outreach literature are provided. Black upper clothing appropriate for the weather is essential, and please bring a fully charged laptop or tablet if you have one. Interested in volunteering? Join this Facebook Group for Camden and this group for Queens.
Vegan Market At Market Hotel is a monthly indoor pop up market with some of the area's best vegan vendors. The next pop-up will be this Sunday. There is plenty of food but also apparel, bath & body products, and cosmetics. All vendors are 100% vegan all of the time not just vegan for the day. This is an all ages event with a full bar for those over 21 so bring your ID if you want to drink. As always admission is free. Spend the day with us and have some fun, you'll be glad you did. The market is right across the street from the J•M•Z Myrtle Ave subway station and located upstairs from Mr. Kiwi's.
On Sunday, November 24th at 2pm, Community Solidarity will be transforming the weekly Hempstead Food Share into our annual Vegan Thanksgiving Bonanza. In addition to sharing over One Hundred Thousand pounds of Thanksgiving groceries, clothing and books - we'll also be dishing up a cooked vegan feast made up of dozens of delicious appetizers, entrees, desserts, and beverages. More information can be found here.
Join Vegans by the Shore for their very first potluck Thanksliving! They will enjoy good company and food and will have a 2 - legged surprise guest. Location will be in Toms River. If you would like to attend, please refer to the FB event page and comment on what you can bring (vegan, of course!).
HealthyPlanet’s Healthy, Green & Turkey-Free Thanksgiving will take place on Sunday in Farmingdale, NY! This 26-year-new tradition includes a delicious feast made up of healthy, eco-friendly, sustainable fare lovingly created and brought by our attendees, together with vegan offerings from local food establishments! After socializing comes the legendary Turkey-Free feast, made up of the delicious and creative, entirely-plant-based dishes brought by... YOU! Following dinner will be a talk by special speakers, intended to educate, enlighten and empower you and your family. Advance tickets can be purchased here.
Finally, the Jersey Shore chapter of Food Not Bombs will be feeding those in need at the Asbury Park Train Station between 3:00 and 4:00. If you want to donate something, contact them via their Facebook page or by emailing them at jerseyshorefoodnotbombs@yahoo.com. The Jersey City chapter meets at the Journal Square plaza at noon every Sunday. For donations, contact them via their Facebook page or at foodnotbombsjc@gmail.com.

Vegan in NJ events scheduled (*must be a member of the Facebook group to view private events):
If you are hosting an event or know of an event happening that you do not see on our events page, please send an email to Cherise at cherise@veganinnj.com and I'll add it to the page ASAP and include it in our weekly breakdown.

We have a Patreon page and would love it if you could donate any amount you could. You will get access to our feed, where we will be working through ideas and events we plan to host in the future, early blog posts, discount codes for events, and random merch an whatever we've got that we can send you! This will be a great place for you to have your voice heard about how we can make NJ the most vegan friendly place it can be. Proceeds from our Patreon will be going to maintain the website, brand, and afford us to be able to hire on more awesome vegans to help us on our journey to make NJ a vegan wonderland! We also take some of the donations and donate it back to various vegan non-profits and NJ sanctuaries.
We have also added a 'support us' page, so if you want other ways (besides Patreon) to help us out, please check there. We appreciate anything you can do!