Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up tiers as time goes on, but for right now, you will just get access to our feed, where we will be working through ideas and events we plan to host in the future. This will be a great place for you to have your voice heard about how we can make NJ the most vegan friendly place it can be!
If you are hosting an event or know of an event happening that you do not see on our events page, please send an email to cherise@veganinnj.com and I'll add it to the page ASAP and include it in my weekly breakdown.
Before we get started, I just want to remind everyone that Tuesday is Election Day and you should get out there and vote! There's a million sites out there on how to get your vote in, but here is one of them and here is where you can type your address in and find out exactly where your polling place is.
Mercy For Animals is hosting an online webinar on how to increase your impact through online activism on Wednesday from 7:30-9:30pm. "Campaign Specialist Emilia Cameron and National Volunteer Coordinator Eve Wetlaufer will take you through a wide variety of topics, from the theories behind effective online advocacy to our own online programs, such as Hen Heroes and oINK, and so much more." (from the About section in the event)
On Thursday morning, Newark Save Movement (a division of The Save Movement) will be hosting a vigil and bearing witness at American Halal in Newark. They will be giving love and compassion in the final moments the animals on the transport truck have. Thousands of animals per week meet their demise at American Halal.
A new vegan restaurant in Ringwood is having it's grand opening on Saturday! Blissfully Vegan is opening its doors from 11am to 9pm and will be serving organic and locally sourced plant based food. There will be live music, face painting, and free samples of their menu being handed out.

NJveg will be hosting a meetup at the all vegan Sprig & Vine in New Hope, PA on Saturday. Make sure to RSVP to njveg.org@gmail.com or 609-557-7077. NJveg is an all-volunteer non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation, initially focusing on central NJ. They had a tables at 8 different events this fall, where we spoke to several hundred people, answering questions and giving out free literature. They're planning on participating in at least as many in the spring. Interested in helping out with future vegan outreach efforts? Know of a good venue? Contact them with the information above. On Saturday, from 12pm to 5pm in Northvale, you can swing by Roots Cafe for a vegan market! Roots Cafe is an all vegan, gluten free, organic, soy free and raw restaurant. This market will include live music and some awesome food from some vegan vendors, such as some highly addictive buffalo chik'n mac and cheese from Freakin Vegan or the best pecan pie you'll ever have (and it's even gluten free!) from Gone Pie.
At the Newark Public Library from 1pm to 4pm, you can attend a free plant based Q&A. The panel will include Dr. William Flowers, Rose Ann Scott (Hip Hop is Green NJ), Rashena Borroughs (Zucchini Bar/Blueberry Cafe), Charlotte Munnerlyn and Chef Nikko with Sandra Holmes as moderator.

NJ Animal Save Movement (a division of The Save Movement) will be hosting a protest outside of Hinck's Turkey Farm in Manasquan on Sunday. Afterwards will be a dinner at the all vegan Kaya's Kitchen in Belmar. Hinck's Turkey Farm slaughters over 10,000 turkeys on an annual basis at their farm/"processing" facility in Wall Twp. They have a storefront in Neptune and another in Manasquan, where the protest will be held. Bring signs, if you have them and help NJ Animal Save Movement educate the public on how they could have a cruelty free life.
Every Sunday, the Jersey Shore chapter of Food Not Bombs will be feeding those in need at the Asbury Park Train Station between 4:00 and 5:00. If you want to donate something, contact them via their Facebook page or by emailing them at jerseyshorefoodnotbombs@yahoo.com.
James Aspey will be speaking at a Plants for Peace event at Monmouth University in Long Branch on Monday. There are no parking spots available, so if you wish to attend, you must get dropped off or find parking elsewhere and walk. Email mcharris@monmouth.edu if you meet this criteria and wish to attend. Bring a non-vegan friend, if you can!
At Cross + Orange in Asbury Park, Desired Dish will be hosting its second pop up dinner. In order to attend, you must purchase a ticket ahead of time via the Facebook event. It's a multi-course Thanksgiving inspired whole foods plant based meal that will be served alongside of live music.

Vegan in NJ events scheduled (must be a member of the Facebook group to view private events):
Thank you to those who came here via the Try Vegan email blast! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can learn more about the Try Vegan empire via their meal delivery (use that link for a free meal!), their food truck, or their clothing line!