If you are hosting an event or know of an event happening that you do not see on our events page, please send an email to cherise@veganinnj.com and I'll add it to the page ASAP and include it in my weekly breakdown.
Is it just me or is everyone else still full from NJ VegFest? Can you move? I'm lucky I made it to my laptop! Now is probably a good time for a juice cleanse, right? I should hopefully have a blog post about VegFest up within the week or so! I hope you had as great of a time as I did, but I do hope your voice and legs don't hurt as much as mine, haha.
On Wednesday, Seed to Sprout is hosting a cooking class in Avon for comfort foods. The following Wednesday will be the same cooking class, but in the Fair Haven location. Check out their website to RSVP and see the menu they will be teaching!
Also on Wednesday, the Staten Island chapter of Anonymous for the Voiceless is hosting a Cube of Truth. Make sure to join their Facebook group to keep updated with their events and how to participate!
This weekend is jam packed with vegan events! One being the Easton PA VegFest on Saturday. There's an incredible list of vendors at this event, including some of my favorites: Cinnamon Snail, Eat Nice Foods, and Freakin' Vegan (they're EVERYWHERE).

The annual Flocktoberfest is back at Tamerlaine Farms again! They've recently moved to a new 336 acre property at 141 Clove Road, Montague, NJ 07827. They are promising amazing food, craft beer and cocktails, music, and awesome human and animal friends. Sounds like a good time to me! Last, but not least for Saturday is a fundraiser hosted by NJveg at The Chicken Refuge in Whitehouse Station. It's a free potluck event, but they are hoping you will donate to help The Chicken Refuge continue their mission of providing refuge for chickens (and a few other animals) to live their natural life in peace. RSVP by October 6 to NJveg.org@gmail.com or by calling 609-557-7077. Space is limited.
From 12-7 on Sunday at CURE Insurance Arena in Trenton, there will be a Garden Bros Circus protest. This is projected to be a large event in rally for Noseys Law. You can read more about the event, about Noseys Law, and who will be attending on the Facebook event. There is also a petition listed that is looking to reach 5,000 signatures.
In Manhattan, there is a Comedy Show and Vegan Buffet happening at VSpot Organic and hosted by American Vegan Society. The food will be all vegan and even the comedians are vegan! Proceeds will be going to American Vegan Society.
And the final event for the week is our potluck in Neptune Twp! Please RSVP so that we know how many to expect and so that we can give out the address to the correct people. Bring whatever you'd like - it just has to be vegan! Our last potluck in Morristown was a great time, so here's hoping we get weather just as awesome! Make sure to comment on the pinned post to let us know what you're bringing!
Every Sunday, the Jersey Shore chapter of Food Not Bombs will be feeding those in need at the Asbury Park Train Station between 4:00 and 5:00. If you want to donate something, contact them via their Facebook page or by emailing them at jerseyshorefoodnotbombs@yahoo.com.

Vegan in NJ events scheduled (must be a member of the Facebook group to view):
Thank you to those who came here via the Try Vegan email blast! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can learn more about the Try Vegan empire via their meal delivery (use that link for a free meal!), their food truck, or their clothing line!