
Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
May 25, 2019
This Week in NJ
We start off this week with Wednesday's protest against Bristol-Meyers Squibb. Please join PETA outside BMS's annual shareholders meeting...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
May 19, 2019
This Week in NJ
Ready for that 3 Day Weekend? We will be hosing a Memorial Day Potluck on Sunday, the 25th in Morristown. This is a private event for...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
May 12, 2019
This Week in NJ
A huge congratulations is going out to from us here at Vegan in NJ to Lady and the Shallot in Lawrenceville, who are celebrating their...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
May 5, 2019
This Week in NJ
NJveg will be hosting a Gourmet Dinner this Wednesday. Join them in Mt. Holly for a 4 course meal prepared by Culinary Students of Rowan...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Apr 28, 2019
This Week in NJ
On Thursday, please keep Animals First on the Second in mind. This is not an event to attend; rather a monthly day of reflection and...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Apr 21, 2019
This Week in NJ
Monmouth University is organizing the NJHEPS (New Jersey Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability) 2019 Annual Student Summit:...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Apr 14, 2019
This Week in NJ
SUPER IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Vegan in NJ will begin to host monthly volunteer days at Skylands Animal Sanctuary And Rescue in Wantage!...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Apr 7, 2019
This Week in NJ
Well, we seem to be defrosting nicely over here, aren't we? Finally a time for sweaters and leggings! This week kicks off with a lecture....

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Mar 31, 2019
This Week in NJ
It's a low key week in the Vegan Universe, but there's lots of action this weekend! Follow along, so you know what's going on! On...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Mar 24, 2019
This Week in NJ
First and foremost, we would like to thank each and every one of you who took the time out this past weekend to attend our Vegan Dinner,...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Mar 16, 2019
This Week in NJ
Our Spring Vegan Market has arrived! Vegan in NJ proudly presents A Vegan Weekend with Avenue! This three day event starts Friday, March...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Mar 12, 2019
This Week in NJ
Woohoo! Daylight Savings Time and warmer weather are upon us! We are getting close and closer to beautiful Springtime and I cannot wait!...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Mar 4, 2019
This Week in NJ
Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up...

Melinda Gallagher (she/her)
Feb 25, 2019
This Week in NJ
Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up...

Cherise Daly (she/her)
Feb 20, 2019
This Week in NJ
Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up...

Cherise Daly (she/her)
Feb 11, 2019
This Week in NJ
Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up...

Cherise Daly (she/her)
Feb 4, 2019
This Week in NJ
Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up...

Cherise Daly (she/her)
Jan 28, 2019
This Week in NJ
Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up...

Cherise Daly (she/her)
Jan 22, 2019
This Week in NJ
Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up...

Cherise Daly (she/her)
Jan 14, 2019
This Week in NJ
Vegan in NJ has started a Patreon page and we would love it if you could donate any amount you could. We will be working on setting up...